just me.. just elj...

just random thoughts...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Reading files in your iPhone

What's nice about the iPhone, it supports files like word doc, pdf, text, excel and html. But unlike the other phones, iPhone doesn't have a file manager.

I had to install Apache, scp to iPhone with u:root and p:dottie credentials and move the stuff to /Library/WebServer/Documents/ to access the files. Then, access /<filename.ext>. Note that your iPhone has to be unlocked before doing so.

It works fine but I think a file manager would still be better.

Update (12/11/07 11:31): This also applies to iPod. See howtos in the internet on how to unlock it.

Update (12/06/08 3:06): You can try "alpine" as your password if dottie is not working.


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